5 Tips to Getting Great Children’s Headshots.

Janesville WI Photography Studio | Actor Headshots | Performance Portraits | Children’s Headshots

Children Portrait Headshot

Nowadays there are so many reasons why your child or teen may need a quality headshot. Some may be auditioning for a role in a tv show, musical or commercial. Performers may request a program headshot to list in your bio. These are just a few of the many possibilities.
There is no need to be nervous when coming in to get a headshot. Here are some tips to help you get some great results.

acting headshot

• Choose a professional photographer that is great at working with children. Not only will it make the experience enjoyable, but it will help make your child more comfortable. This will help get the results that you are looking for.
• Choose clothing that represents who your child is and their personality. Try to look your age.
•.Avoid bright colors and logos. These will just distract the viewer from seeing you. It can also lead to unintentionally marketing something else instead of your child.
• Try different expressions and outfits. Our studio sets aside an hour to help manage this. What may look good in the store may not be the favorite item once you get into the studio. It’s great to try different looks. It will allow for a variety of images to choose from.
• Make sure to capture your child’s personality. If your kiddo is always smiling big make sure you’ve had some of those taken as well. Show some personality in your images.

This is a short list of tips to help your child’s session go smoothly.
Jenny Elaine Photography is a full service studio located in Janesville, Wisconsin. We specialize in portraits including but not limited to headshots, professional branding, maternity and family.